Jul 07, 2023

AMEP2 and its’ Collaboration Perception Survey and the Activity Partnership Survey Results

Every year AMEP2 sends out two surveys the Collaboration Perception Survey and the Activity Partnership Survey.  Both surveys have been conducted since 2019.  The Collaboration Perceptions Survey was designed using a collective understanding that collaboration is a process that enables different entities or stakeholders to work together to achieve a mutual outcome or goal.  The Activity Partnership Survey was designed with an understanding that the surveys’ focus was on gaining a better understanding of the relationship formed between two or more entities, collaborating, and participating in AMEP 2 activities.

These surveys are an important tool for AMEP2 and its team, providing information and feedback that shapes the design of future activities. There are always lessons to be learned and applied.  The surveys enable us to continue to address specific needs and be responsive to these as well as strengthen existing relationships and build new ones. Here are some key highlights from the two surveys conducted this year.  On this note we also want to thank all those who took the time to fill out the survey.
Some Quick Survey Highlights
This year our Collaborative Perception survey was emailed to over 1,182 individuals with a response from 141 individuals. This response rate was 4 times higher than the same survey that was conducted in 2019.  The 2023 survey saw 66% male and 34% female respondents. This year we present the top five highlights of this year’s survey results. 

Highlights of the Collaborative Perception Survey
Collaborative Arrangements 71% of the respondents identified that they had participated in a collaborative arrangement that involved the planning or implementation and participation of an extractive sector activity.

The majority (56%)  of respondents stated that they collaborated on projects or activities related to the following extractive sector initiatives a) exploration and exploitation (25%), 2) national program “Billion tree” and environmental rehabilitation (17%), 3) investment environment, taxation and financial accounting (14.3%)

Survey findings demonstrated a 21% increase in positive perceptions around effective and improved collaboration since 2019. 
Obstacles The four major challenges hindering collaboration were identifed as 1) legislation and policy implementation (26%), 2) bureaucracy, corruption, and weak government service (23%) followed by 3) transparency and governance (16%) and 4) weak capacity of government officials and their constant change (13%)
Significance Top 3 reasons why collaboration is important was described as 1) It increases transparency (19%), 2) It is essential to allow government to be held to account for its decisions in the sector (17%), 3) It increases public trust in the mining industry (13%)
Some substantial response differences from the previous years were respondents stated that they participated in collaborated on extractive sector activities predominantly related to mining and quarrying, followed by governance and law and research methodologies.  Last year’s respondents also highlighted that improving public trust is one of the most important factors leading to collaboration followed by government accountability and the use of skills and insights of others to improve policies and practices.

The AMEP2 Activity Partnership Survey is an opportunity for AMEP 2 to hear from collaborative partners what is working well with the program activities and areas where we can learn and improve our relationships and activities.  Every year we ask our partners if we have been able to identify their needs and issues to meet their expectations, that saw the majority (54%) strongly agreed and 43% agree that AMEP 2 has been responsive to these needs as part of the collaborative relationship. Collaborative partners identified that during FY 2022-2023 they were satisfied with the program and activities with 46% of respondents stating they were very satisfied and another 46% satisfied and the remaining not so satisfied.

Reviewing comments and listening to our valuable partners, stakeholders, and beneficiaries is important to us.  As we enter into our milestone year, we will be using this information as part of our summary on our 8-year journey within our monitoring, evaluation and communications activity.

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